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Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game

product details
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Nikitin "Logical rows N8" Educational Game
Article no. Price (Each) Delivery date Quantity (Each)
W0-623364576 * € 31.92
Leaves warehouse on Tue. 04.06.

*All prices quoted exclude VAT, plus delivery costs

Product description

The Nikitin Educational Game "Logical Sequences N8" presents a thought-provoking combination challenge designed primarily for young learners. This educational toolkit comprises 24 vibrantly colored wooden cubes, each adorned with four colors - red, blue, yellow, and green - alongside symbols including circles, stars, and squares. The primary objective is to arrange these cubes in sequences according to pattern templates provided within the game. The complexity of these sequences gradually increases, encouraging children to progress from simple color and shape combinations to more sophisticated patterns. This structured complexity ensures that the game remains accessible and appropriately challenging for children, promoting their cognitive development without causing frustration or boredom.

Product Details:

  • Material (Cubes): Printed wood

  • Material (Pattern Booklet): Cardboard with spiral binding

  • Dimensions (Packaging) LxW: 22.3 x 19.8 cm

  • Weight: 700 g

  • Components: 24 tri-color printed wooden cubes (edge length: 3 cm), pattern booklet (74 pages)

  • Suitable for children aged 4 and up

The Nikitin "Logical Sequences N8" game is an excellent tool for engaging young minds in critical thinking and problem-solving. Each component of the game, from the brightly colored wooden cubes to the comprehensive pattern booklet, has been thoughtfully designed to enhance learning through play. By gradually increasing the difficulty, children are encouraged to develop their skills at their own pace, making this game a valuable addition to any educational or therapeutic setting.

Discover the educational benefits of this comprehensive game, ideal for supporting early learning and cognitive development in children. Its thoughtful design and engaging content make it an outstanding choice for educators and therapists.

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